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STATUS: In Progress

CLIENT: Port of Los Angeles


The Avalon Promenade and Gateway project will replace 12 acres of industrial land and a former oil tank with recreational open space for the local community and provides a direct pedestrian and bicycle access to Banning's Landing and Wilmington Waterfront Promenade.
YKD was retained by the Port of Los Angeles
(POLA) to lead the site design for the park. During conceptual design, the design team and POLA worked closely with Wilmington residences and project stakeholders by conducting design charrettes, public workshops, interviews, presentations, and online surveys to deliver a design that meets the community's needs and reflects their cultural values.

Site components of the park include Sundial plaza at the entrance, the design decision was made by Wilmington citizens at community presentation; the Promenade that leads to the garden bridge, which connects to the waterfront park; History Walk that resembles the segment of historic Avalon Boulevard that was removed for the improvement; Great Lawn to hosting large activities and farmer's market; sports court with a basketball court and gym equipment; and Native Garden to enhance local habitat and to provide educational opportunities

 © Yunsoo Kim Design Inc. All Rights Reserved

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